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Anual General Meeting 2010

The AGM / Workshop day in 2010 was held at The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Queen’s Square, London. The guest speaker was Dr. Paul Nandi, a consultant in neuro anaesthesia and Pain Medicine based at UCL Pain Management Centre. Please watch the video below for the full AGM.

AGM 2010

Guest Speaker, Dr Nandi

Question and Answer Session

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Conference & AGM 2011

The 2011 TNA UK Conference/Study Day was a great success with a total of 176 attendees in adjoining rooms, listening to concurrent talks by specialists – neurosurgeons, neurologists and consultants in facial pain, chronic pain and oral medicine – with all the conference participants getting together during the refreshment breaks. It was a fast-paced and interactive day, giving members, their supporters and friends the chance to quiz the specialists as well as listen to them, together with the opportunity of meeting other patients, carers and the TNA team.

The presentations were very informative and wide-ranging, from diagnosis, going to the dentist, choice of medications, surgical options, and trying to get a better quality of life despite the pain. Much further knowledge was gained by all, not only in understanding TN, but in its management. The combined Q&A session towards the end of the day proved very popular, after which the tables were then turned, compelling the healthcare professionals to listen to questions asked of the patients, with lively debates taking place during this panel session. Carers were also able to discuss the impact of TN with one another and those suffering from the condition.

Carers were asked to complete a detailed, 8-page questionnaire, and all those with TN and/or facial pain participated in a lengthy (15-page) survey about their condition. These results will all be analysed by TNA, providing vital statistical data for future research.Information was readily available in the form of leaflets and books from the TNA stand as well as from stalls manned by volunteers from the Migraine Trust, Migraine Action and Carers UK.

Dr Manjit Matharu – Getting the Diagnosis Right

Professor Joanna Zakrzewska – Our Choice of Medication for TN

Mr John Wadley – Meds no Longer Work – What Now?

Professor Hugh Coakham – Should MDV be the Next Step?

Dr Alexander Crighton – Going to the Dentist

Dr Frances Cole – Getting a Quality of Life Despite the Pain

A Future New Drug for TN?

Ask the Panel

Ask the Patients

The AGM was held in the afternoon and it was welcoming to hear about the fantastic successes that the Association has accomplished over the last year. The current healthy bank balance will enable TNA UK to pursue its future goals in patient support and research. The professionals’ Study Day was attended by neurologists, GPs, oral specialists, dentists, nurses and others. Delegates travelled from as far away as India, Amman, Holland and Spain to listen to a series of lectures on diagnosis, medical management and surgical therapies. There was also news of a possible new drug treatment for TN, for which imminent trials will involve volunteers from our membership.


AGM 2012

The 12th AGM of TNA UK was held on 23rd June 2012 at The Copthorne Hotel, Birmingham, and was attended by over 100 members of the Association.  The day was hailed a great success by all attendees, with one new member commenting on what a well organised and informative event it was!

Members of the Executive Committee reported on the year’s activities – which you can read all about in this bumper edition – following which, there were talks given by invited specialists and then a Q&A session, where members were able to quiz the panel of experts.

Unfortunately, our first speaker, Sean McDougall, Chair of Pain UK was unable to attend, but had sent in a very encouraging and complimentary letter.  This was followed by two very interesting and informative talks:  “Why does a doctor sometimes have difficulty treating TN?” by Dr Brendan Davies, Consultant Neurologist at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, and “Surgery for TN” by Mr Owen Sparrow, Consultant Neurosurgeon at Southampton General Hospital.  After a short break for tea, Dr Kevin Gunn, the Medical Director of Convergence Pharmaceuticals, gave details about the clinical trial of a new drug for TN and encouraged members to consider volunteering for the trial.  Details on how to apply can be found on our website or in the last newsletter.

We are very grateful to all the speakers who came along and gave up their valuable free time to attend this event, and we are certain all those present gained some new insights and advice from the day.  Our thanks also go to Richard Hawkins and Karen Hall of Breathworks who brought information and literature to inform attendees of the impact this alternative therapy can have in coping with pain.  Do look at their website: for further information.


Conference and AGM 2013

Click on the links below to watch video of presentations given at our meeting on Saturday 29 June 2013 

The role of psychological principles in managing facial pain- Dr Jenna Love
Down in the mouth? A guide to oral hygiene for TN patients – Debbie Hemington


Diagnosis and medical management  – Professor Joanna Zakrzewska

Percutaneous interventions and management of recurrence –  Mr Owen Sparrow

“How can one small blood vessel cause so much misery?” –  Dr Ken Casey


AGM 2014

TNA UK’s 14th AGM was held on Saturday 5th July at the Doubletree Hotel in London.

The AGM started at 1pm, following refreshments and registration and an opportunity to meet members of the EC .  Although the attendance was small compared to previous years, it was hailed a great success and enjoyed by all who came along.  Chairman Dr Martin Schwarz reported on the year’s developments and activities, see the link to his full report below.  Professor Zakrzewska gave an interesting talk on Research and Clinical Trials, (for full details of the report use the link below) following which she organised workshop groups to discuss issues that should be the subject of future research, and a wide range of topics was suggested.

Chairman Dr Martin Schwarz’s full report.

Update on Research from Professor Zakrzewska.

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