Helpline 0800 999 1899

Our Achievements


The Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK (TNA UK) was founded in 1999 by a TN patient and a medical consultant to help sufferers throughout the UK.  TN was previously thought to affect some 6,000 people, mostly women over 50. However, recent research indicates prevalence to be considerably higher at 0.1% of the population (ie, 63,000 people) and to include a greater number of younger men and women.


National webinars with Leading world expert neurologists, neurosurgeons psychologists and alterative therapists engaging with hundreds of our members giving a chance to ask the experts questions in the latest development of TN.

  • Free phone helpline 0800 999 1899 to help sufferers and their families
  • Regional Support Groups
  • Handbook
  • Research
  • Medical Board

Victoria Woodley

Our very own Victoria Woodley ran the London after she accidentally entered the London Marathon ballot.

Victoria has Trigeminal Neuralgia and luckily, she is on a medication program and the pains are (mostly) under control.

‘I wanted to raise money and awareness for this condition as it can have a huge impact on 

the sufferer’s lives. Anything that can be done to help those who suffer made every step I ran worth it!. I ran the London Marathon for the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK because 

I live with the condition.’


Victoria completed the gruelling 26.2 miles around the streets of London.

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